You Might Be Carpatho-Rusyn If…

  • You called your grandmother Baba,
  • You can be no more specific about your origins than to say that your ancestors came from Austria-Hungary or Galicia.
  • Your ancestors immigrated from Eastern Europe and first came to the northeastern US and found work in the coal mines and steel mills of Pennsylvania and Ohio or the factories of New Jersey and Connecticut.
  • Your ancestors spoke a language that they didn’t have a term for—perhaps they called it “hillbilly Russian” or simply “po-nashomu” (our way of speaking).
  • Your ancestors worshiped at a Byzantine Catholic church – the priest would have called you “Ruthenian,” the Latin-based western term used for Rusyn. 
  • Your ancestors might have used other terms for the group, including, but not limited to, Rusnaks, Carpatho-Russians, Carpatho-Ukrainians, Uhro-Rusyns, Lemkos, or a derogatory name that’s okay when used by the people themselves to refer to one another, Hunkies.
  • Your ancestors immigrated between 1890 and World War I and called themselves Russians
  • You ate bobal’ki and pyrohy at Christmas and paska and hrudka at Easter.